35mm Slides and Negatives
35mm slide scanning is the biggest challenge for an imaging technician because they require very high optical resolutions (4000 - 8000 dpi is not uncommon), careful post processing and cleaning and usage of specialized (thus expensive) equipment for digitization.
That’s why 35mm scanning is done mainly in our specialized imaging rooms with trained, experienced technicians.
Usual scan resolutions are 2000 (5.4 Mp) and 4000 dpi (21.6 Mp) (apprx.) giving an output size (at 300 dpi) of 24x17 cm (9.4x6.7 in) and 47x34 cm (18.8x13.4 in) respectively. By using high end equipment such as the Hasselblad X5 or the Creo IQSmart2 our clients can receive scanned files up to 8000 dpi (82.5 Mp).
35mm originals Realiscape Typorama can handle are:
- Framed slides of any thickness of frame, with or without glass (which is preferred in order to avoid Newton rings).
- Strips of slides or negatives with a minimum length of six frames. Every strip is scanned in whole; no single frame selection can be done.
- Film roll up to 40 frames, without cutting. Every roll is scanned in whole; no single frame selection can be done.
- Single (cut) frames (but with additional preparation).