Digital Book Reconstruction

Book scanning is only the first step in order to have a book recreated and imitate the original ―but in digital form, since scanners only output just a series of image files. Page curvature or slight rotation, colored background, irregular lighting, streaks or speckles are problems that have to be addressed in order to provide the reader an experience similar to traditional reading.
Realiscape Typorama uses two workflows in order to take the scanned images and make a digital book (but not an e-book...) out of them.
The first workflow produces pages that are readable and attractive, but don't look exactly like the pages in the book. The margins will be different, the text will be black on a white background, but the images will keep their tonality and color no matter what the page color was originally. This solution is most preferred for mainly textural or mixed-format books that are aimed to readers who want to keep as much as of the content is possible (like researchers or historians), putting the originality of the appearance in a second row. This is the most used workflow.
The other workflow strives to preserve the original look of the pages as much as possible, and it may give results that are less than perfect. This mainly concerns books that are lavishly illustrated (children's books are a good example), and their condition as a relic is more important than its content.
Realiscape Typorama uses a variety of applications and techniques for the creation of their digitized books that are distributed mainly in pdf format, utilizing both workflows upon demand from the customer.