Integrated informatics system development and digital activities implementation for Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry in order to boost competitiveness of greek SMEs, and support of entrepreneurship and labor in the prefecture of Attica.
The project aimed to address expressed needs of the Greek business community, composed overwhelmingly of small enterprises, in the following directions: Effective services for member businesses, competitiveness increase at national and international level, employment support and mechanisms’ establishment for accurate and up-to-date elements of entrepreneurship evolution preservation.
Contractor of the project was SingularLogic S.A. for which our company was a subcontractor.
In the aforementioned context, the project included the modernization of the existing ACCI informatics system, the improvement of the organization of services, and the develοpment of a series of integrated digital environments providing Geographic Business Information services, business visibility, employment support and entrepreneurship statistical analysis, organizational Knowledge Management (Knowledge Management Web Service), digital conferencing / tele cooperation and also a range of other innovative digital services to Greek businesses.
Furhtermore, the project included the supply, installation and commissioning of equipment for the smooth and efficient operation of all new applications of the Chamber and the provision of accompanying training and technical services for all the above elements.
Our company’s involvement included digitization and documentation of nearly 600,000 administrative documents.