Digital Infrastructure and Information & Management Tools Development for the Hellenic Open University (EAP)
The object of the project was to create a modern institutional repository that meets the needs of HOU, the creation of a metasearch engine, the digitization of the HOU material and the creation of the template of an electronic magazine, in order to promote the academic work of the members of HOU.
The need for enrichment of both the existing services and the content of the Central Library of the HOU was imperative, with priority given to ensure access for all users in the HOU to innovative digital services. Specifically, the need for access to scientific / research material produced at the institution (such as studies, publications, research projects deliverables, teaching materials etc.) was indisputable. Besides, a key demand of the members of academic and scientific community worlwide, remains the diffusion of knowledge in all directions and its integration in the education, culture and production processes.
The project was awarded to the joint venture “Realiscape Typorama - Knowledge Broadband Services SA” who managed to develop a fully content enriched Open Access Digital Library to serve the above goals.
At the same time, the digitization of the EAP material took place with further enchancement by Optical Character Recognition and full-scale linguistic corrections by professional philologists of the outcome. Further on, it was exported in a variety of formats among them searchable PDF, Microsoft Word and Epub.
Finally, a meta-search engine was developed which seeks information on all search engines of academic publishers that cooperatine with HOU, thus relieving students and researchers from a tedious and non-productive work.